Here is arguably the most realistically styled nerf gun yet. And it has one of the most boring, ambiguous names for any nerf gun. That's Hasbro for you.
Honestly, I think the Doublestrike is pretty cool.
Please forgive me; my writing style is really off today, so I'm just gonna cut to the chase.
- One-hand operation. While it takes getting used to, you can easily cock and fire this gun with one hand, which is rare with nerf guns.
- Safe colors. Some of my readers may not live where toy guns have to have an orange tip. I do. As a safety precaution, Hasbro decided to make sure that everyone knows this gun is a toy by coloring half of it orange and the other half green.
- Good for small hands. As I will cover later, this gun is designed to be a toy. Not an Hvz secondary, not a hold-up-the-bank weapon, just a toy. And since toys are usually played with by children with small hands, the design for this is intuitive.
- Easy to spin. See video:
- Not for nerf wars. This gun is a poor choice to carry in a nerf war for several reasons:
- Low dart capacity. You're gonna have to reload this thing A LOT.
- Small handle. See that part of the handle that curves forward? It means that if your hand doesn't fit on the straight part, you will inevitably get a cramp holding it.
- No holster. There's nowhere to put this gun when you're not carrying it. It doesn't have a holster, no one makes a holster for it, and if you carry it in your pocket, you're likely to lose darts when you pull it out.
- Realistic. You probably won't want to paint this very much, because it has high potential for being mistaken for a real weapon.
All that considered, this might be a good "kid's first gun" to teach firearm safety, or it might just be a fun toy to shoot your brother with. But if you participate in nerf wars and like the idea of this gun, just get a Hammershot, a Rebelle Sweet Revenge, or a Rebelle 4Victory. You'll like any of them much better.
I'll be giving you a mod guide for this one soon.
I'll be giving you a mod guide for this one soon.
I forgot to mention - the Doublestrike gets approx. 20-30 foot ranges.