Sunday, February 15, 2015

Mod: Nerf Sidestrike

The long(ish)-awaited Mod Guide for the Nerf Sidestrike. All you need to do to get amazing range from this already great gun is improve the barrel seal and remove the air restrictor.

Difficulty: Easy
What you'll need: A phillipshead screwdriver and electrical tape (or plumber's tape).

1. Unscrew
There are 2 screw sizes in this gun - medium and short. Eleven screws total; 8 medium and 3 short. The three short ones go here:            ------------------------------>
It is of note that you'll have to pull the slide back a bit to access one of the medium screws.

2. Clamshell
The gun comes apart into two easy halves. One has all the internals, and the other one doesn't have anything really. Also, keep track of the little orange piece on the tactical rail (it tends to fly out).
The half with the internals will look like this:
3. Remove Internals
First, carefully pull out the trigger system, being sure to not lose the catch spring. Set those aside. Then, pull the plunger tube/barrel system out. That's what you'll be working on.

4. Seal Upgrade
It is important to note that this step will make the gun slightly more difficult to cock.
Pull out the plunger rod. 
On the tip, there is a black O-ring. Take it off and set it aside. Make sure it doesn't get dirty, because that will ruin the seal. Now, take you electrical tape and carefully wrap a section around the area where the O-ring was. If you're using electrical tape, you'll only want to wrap it once. With plumber's tape, you might want to do 2-3 wraps of tape. After that's done, slip the O-ring back on over the tape. Re-insert the plunger into the plunger tube.

5. AR removal
The AR (air restrictor) is designed to restrict airflow, reducing performance. In order to remove it, you'll have to take apart the barrel assembly. That would be the big orange tube near the top of the gun. Take it out, and on each side you'll see a latch holding the front part to the back part. CAREFULLY unlatch those (If you're under the age of ten, I'd suggest that you ask your mom to do this), and take the assembly apart. The only part you want to remove is the actual AR and its spring (see photo).
Once you've done that, you need to make a decision. Are you going to want to fire Streamline darts with this gun? If yes, then you can pull out the dart post piece from the back. Then snap off the long, thin post from its base, and put the base back. From there, you can put the whole barrel assembly back together.

6. Reassemble
Put it all back together. See above picture for arrangement of all the internals.

And voila! You just added about 25 feet to the range of your Nerf Sidestrike!



  1. I have tried to open up a gun to fix a problem... it wasn't pretty. Everything just flew everywhere. But it looks like you've got a pretty good handle on nerf surgery, good job!

    1. Thanks! I got most of my method from a YouTuber named Drac.

    2. Lord Draconical
      frickin awesome

  2. Neat Article. I wanted to get your thoughts on this: Nerf Gun Reviews

    1. The more reviews, the merrier! I differ from NERFZ on some opinions (Like why isn't the Elite Alpha Trooper on his list [sad face]), but in general, the more people there are reviewing Nerf products, the better.
      PS. If NERFZ is your own creation, you're doing very well. Keep it up!

    2. And sorry for such a late reply.

  3. I appreciate what you have done here. I like the part where you say you are doing this to give back however I would expect by every one of the remarks this is working for you too. Nerf N-Strike Elite Rampage Blaster


Anything you want to see here? Ideas for improvement? Questions?
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