Monday, September 12, 2016

I got a new Nerf gun!

I've got some really exciting news to share! I just got my hands on my long-time favorite nerf gun ever! So now that I finally have one, I can give you a review of the... (drum-roll please)

N-Strike VULCAN!!!!!!!!!!

N-Strike Vulcan EBF-25

I know, it's really old. And I know, it's almost as bad as the notorious Deploy. (I shudder to even say that name.) But look at this thing! It's a monstrous piece of tacticool glory! I mean, can you get much better than a belt-fed, tripod-mounted machine gun designed to look like a freakin' TURRET?

  • Sheer intimidation factor. If you run this at a nerf war, no one will ever so much as dream of approaching your base. Or you. Or if you're lucky, they'll just surrender. Hey, it could happen. 
  • Three tac rails. Count them- one, two, three. Great for putting on that old Recon light, or maybe a Longstrike flip-up sight. 
  • Fully automatic. Step 1: pull trigger. No step two.  
  • Single-action. If you don't have batteries, or just don't like to spray-and-pray, then you can use the priming bar to fire off a single shot
  • Bandolier loops. Yes, you finally have a legitimate application for your old orange and black  N-Strike bandolier.
  • Belt box. It comes with a removable box to feed your ammo belt more compactly.
  • Cosmetic possibilities.You could repaint this to look realistic, or you could chop it up into a tiny dual-wieldable HMG, or you could stick gears on it for a steampunk look,  or you could beef it up for a cosplay weapon. Your choice.
  • Belt box
  • Did I mention that it looks awesome?

  Bad: (In short, everything else.) 

  • Weight. Four feet of plastic ain't too easy to lift.  
  • Belt system.The belt, though it looks sweet, is extremely impractical to reload quickly unless you have several. And since they're proprietary, good luck getting more than one.  
  • Capacity. Twenty-five darts sounds like a lot until you're shooting them out at full auto. And like I said, that's all you'll have, period. 
  • Ranges. For N-Strike, it's not especially sub-par. But it doesn't stack up to modern Nerf guns. 
  • Tripod. It's not a simple tac rail attachment- no, that would be too intuitive. It ONLY fits on the Vulcan and its spiritual successor, the Rhinofire. (Which for the price is also crap. Beautiful, beastly crap.) 
  • Jams. The biggest issue with the Vulcan is that it jams like nobody's business. I usually jam about three times per reload. 3:25 is a REALLY bad ratio for that.
Basically, the Vulcan EBF-25 is no longer at all practical. But who cares? It's tacticool as all get out! Who wouldn't want to throw foam with a heavy machine gun?
I even drool over the picture, and I own this thing.
