Friday, January 29, 2016

MOD: Modulus Blaster Stock

If you read my review of the Strike and Defend expansion pack for the Modulus, you might be wondering how you can improve it. Other than duct-taping a giant piece of cardboard to it, there's sadly not much you can do to improve the shield. But that backup pistol built into the stock? Yeah, that can shoot lasers.

Difficulty: Easy
What you'll need: Phillipshead screwdriver, Nite-Finder EX-3 spring, and wire cutters.

The key to this mod is a simple spring replacement. But it has to be the right spring, because very few will have the ideal combination of features: a) it fits, b) it's stiff, c) it's not too stiff, and d) it can compress enough to be able to catch.

Hmmmm. The real key is not so simple…

But by my magic arts, I have determined that the correct spring can be found in a (drumroll please) Nite Finder! Yes, the 2004 powerhouse, that good old easy-to-find Nite Finder EX-3. Its spring is just about right, but you do need to cut off a quarter to a half-inch of it so it can compress all the way. So without further ado:

1. Open it up
Pull out the screws, take off the top of the shell, and you're left with the mechanism, which looks like this:
Strongly reminiscent of a Jolt, no?

The stock, clamshelled.
Then carefully remove the plunger casing by taking out the two screws in the back, so that you can...

2. Swap springs.
Twist the stock spring off the plunger rod, that twist the new one on. Remember, if you're using a Nite Finder Spring, you should cut off a little from one end so it can compress enough. Whether you do or not, you should put the stock back together without the outer screws and see if you can cock it. If you can, proceed. If not, cut the spring a little shorter and try again.

3. Reassemble.
If you can successfully cock the gun, then you've gotten past the hardest part. The seal is already pretty good on my model, but if it's not on yours (i.e. air escapes out the back), you can throw on one or two wraps of e-tape or teflon tape. But that's probably not necessary, so you can just screw it all back together.

Boom. Nobody will expect the kind of performance you can dish out from your new backup. They'll think you're some sort of Nerf wizard when you use it against them. Your "Blaster Stock" is no longer stock.



      [˘7˘˘           teehee!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Modulus Stealth Ops Upgrade Kit (Tacticool Stealth Edition)

Modulus Stealth Ops Upgrade Kit

Note: I painted this kit before reviewing it. So you guys instead get the review of the ultra-exclusive "Tacticool Stealth Edition*", which comes in black, rather than white. And certainly not that annoying green trim…  After all, it's for Stealth Ops. Black is much stealthier than white (not to mention cooler).

This kit is almost purely for aesthetics, since a Red Dot Sight doesn't even slightly increase the dart's accuracy, and a Proximity Barrel in no way does anything but look sweet. The Pivot Grip is the one strong point for those who only like functional attachments. But here's the good news- the kit can give almost any N-Strike, N-Strike Elite, or Modulus blaster an extra 1,000 style points! (Especially if you have the "Tacticool Stealth Edition"…)

  • Ease of use. Slide the parts on tac rails. Attach the barrel extension to the barrel nozzle. Done.
  • Folding foregrip. The Pivot Grip has a locking mechanism (that orange button on the side), so you can either lock it sturdily in a compact folded position, or unfold it to steady your shot.
  • Ergonomic. The handle, when deployed, is very comfortable to hold on to. And when folded, it's also a rather comfortable place to rest your off-hand. It also happens to be in a quite comfortable position on the Modulus' bottom tac rail.
  • "Red Dot" Sight. Yes, it has a built-in red LED that shines a dot on the center of the crosshairs. Pretty cool, right?
  • Speaking of crosshairs…
  • A rather blurry view down the sights.
    Reduced barrel drag. While the Proximity Barrel does add some barrel drag (like all barrel extensions), it will add much less than most other options.
  • I have to say it here: the Tacticool Stealth Edition isn't real. It's just my own special paint job. Sorry.
  • Let's be honest- white, green, and orange is far from stealthy. Once again, sorry if you're one of those who thought this kit would actually make you invisible.
  • Red Dot sight. Sadly, it's not made with precision in mind, and the red dot doesn't always land exactly on the middle of the crosshairs.
  • Not useful. Really it's only worth it to buy this kit for the style points. The Pivot Grip is cool, but you got a grip that's just as good when you bought the Modulus itself.
The best Modulus foregrip yet.
So overall, the only bad features are things that you would already know about without having to buy it to find out. If you think you would like it, you almost definitely will. If you don't like the concept of style points, you don't have to buy it. Of course, Hasbro might disagree; but who are they to have an opinion?  ;)


And it even folds!

* Tacticool Stealth Edition comes in exclusive black, grey, and orange paint job with a satin finish for reduced glare. Features the Tacticool Nerfer's signature logo on the Pivot Grip and Red Dot sight. Not available at your local Nerf retailer.

-< Stealth Mode Engaged >-

Saturday, January 02, 2016

MOD: Nerf Hammershot - Let the Zombie-Slaying Begin!

The Mad Hammer
The Mad Hammer!

Introducing the post-apocolyptic dream weapon: The Mad Hammer!

And yes, the cloth wrap is finally a reality.

The Mad Hammer is, at its core, just a Hammershot like any other Hammershot. It's the cosmetics that set it apart.

The first thing I did was take some gravel, 60-grit sandpaper, and other sharp and/or rough things, and scratched it up. This served two purposes: 1) to remove some of the paint and the "shiny new" look, and 2) provided a nice base for the battle-damaged look soon to come.

After removing the gleam, I got down and dirty to give it "battlefield experience".  DO NOT try this at home without an adult's supervision.
I lit the gun on fire.
I selected several points that I wanted to look as though they had made actual contact with a bullet or piece of shrapnel, then held a match up to each spot till it had its own flame, then quickly and thoroughly put it out. The effect it had was sooty and visibly deformed, as though it had been hit by a fast-moving projectile.

After that, I took a silver Sharpie marker and went over most of the corners, edges, and "damaged" spots to make it look as though some of the paint had worn off, leaving bare metal showing through.
May the zombies cower
to see this power!

Finally, I wrapped camouflage paracord around the holes in the front of the gun, cut up an old, stained green rag, and wrapped it thoroughly around the handle for a comfier, grippier, and more awesome-looking handgrip.

Oh, and yes; I added my signature crosshairs to the left side in black Sharpie.

So there you have it folks! The inside scoop on the famous revolver we've come to know and love as The Mad Hammer! And remember, you heard it here first on The Tacticool Nerfer!
