Friday, January 29, 2016

MOD: Modulus Blaster Stock

If you read my review of the Strike and Defend expansion pack for the Modulus, you might be wondering how you can improve it. Other than duct-taping a giant piece of cardboard to it, there's sadly not much you can do to improve the shield. But that backup pistol built into the stock? Yeah, that can shoot lasers.

Difficulty: Easy
What you'll need: Phillipshead screwdriver, Nite-Finder EX-3 spring, and wire cutters.

The key to this mod is a simple spring replacement. But it has to be the right spring, because very few will have the ideal combination of features: a) it fits, b) it's stiff, c) it's not too stiff, and d) it can compress enough to be able to catch.

Hmmmm. The real key is not so simple…

But by my magic arts, I have determined that the correct spring can be found in a (drumroll please) Nite Finder! Yes, the 2004 powerhouse, that good old easy-to-find Nite Finder EX-3. Its spring is just about right, but you do need to cut off a quarter to a half-inch of it so it can compress all the way. So without further ado:

1. Open it up
Pull out the screws, take off the top of the shell, and you're left with the mechanism, which looks like this:
Strongly reminiscent of a Jolt, no?

The stock, clamshelled.
Then carefully remove the plunger casing by taking out the two screws in the back, so that you can...

2. Swap springs.
Twist the stock spring off the plunger rod, that twist the new one on. Remember, if you're using a Nite Finder Spring, you should cut off a little from one end so it can compress enough. Whether you do or not, you should put the stock back together without the outer screws and see if you can cock it. If you can, proceed. If not, cut the spring a little shorter and try again.

3. Reassemble.
If you can successfully cock the gun, then you've gotten past the hardest part. The seal is already pretty good on my model, but if it's not on yours (i.e. air escapes out the back), you can throw on one or two wraps of e-tape or teflon tape. But that's probably not necessary, so you can just screw it all back together.

Boom. Nobody will expect the kind of performance you can dish out from your new backup. They'll think you're some sort of Nerf wizard when you use it against them. Your "Blaster Stock" is no longer stock.



      [˘7˘˘           teehee!

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