Saturday, February 21, 2015

On Safety

I realised today that there is something very important that I forgot to mention: SAFETY. This mostly involves common sense, but I'll cover some safety tips here.

Modding safety
When you modify a nerf gun, you should ALWAYS wear eye protection of some sort. Nerf blasters have abundant supplies of springs, which can fly out unexpectedly. They could put your eye out if you are not careful.
Also, sometimes you'll need to use a knife or other sharp object to cut, pry, poke, or wiggle something out. Cut, pry, poke, or wiggle away from yourself. You don't want to be rushed to the ER for having cut off your own arm. (Just kidding. The worst you'll probably get is a rather painful cut.)

Firing safety
Those little warnings on the side of your gun are good to follow. Don't aim at a person's face unless you're at least 30 feet away (50ft. with bigger guns) and already know what it feels like to be shot in the face at that range. And if you're in a nerf battle, it's a good idea to wear eye protection or sunglasses so that you won't get shot in the face…

Buying safety
If you're buying a new nerf gun, it's a good idea to go online and see what that nerf gun typically sells for. You don't want to be spending fifteen extra dollars on top of the thirty bucks your gun's worth.
And don't build your arsenal from Toys 'Я' Us. (Except the Toys 'Я' Us exclusives; those ones are usually worth the price hike.)

The point I'm trying to make is that bad things will eventually happen if you are careless. So just don't be careless.


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